Partner with us.

In an effort to further our reach and expand our work, we have partnered with the Post-Evangelical Collective, whose mission is to connect, cultivate, and resource post-evangelical churches. Rooted in the way of Jesus, the PEC embraces core values of full inclusion, holistic justice, deep and wide formation, and a gracious posture. The PEC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and will serve as our organizational sponsor for at least one year, processing donations and fees on our behalf and connecting us to their large network of leaders. This collaboration offers a helpful infrastructure for our work, while providing church leaders with our resources, opportunities, and training.

We rely on the generosity of financial partners to do the healing work we do.

Will you partner with us?

This button links to PEC’s donation page. In the Fund section of that page, select “The Healing Collective” so that PEC will know your gift is for THC.

Keri Ladouceur


Post-Evangelical Collective

“The Post-Evangelical Collective longs to connect, resource, and launch more faith spaces with shared values as we reimagine the church as beloved community and redemptive presence. We sense our work includes active participation with Christ in the redemption and restoration of all things. We recognize that this work begins within each one of us—tending to our own wounds and traumas, and allowing God to transform us in order to become a redemptive healing presence in the world. Through their transformational work to journey with people in engaging religious trauma, our partners at The Healing Collective both equip and empower pastors, leaders, and churches within the PEC to effectively care for and cultivate healing spaces.

— Keri Ladouceur, Executive Director, Post-Evangelical Collective